COVID-19 Safety Protocols.
At Princess Elizabeth Dental
Our goal at Princess Elizabeth Dental is to ensure the safety and protection of our patients, our team members and our community. Going forward we will have several new policies in place.
- We daily screen our team for COVID-19 symptoms and temperature twice daily. We mandate that each staff member abide by recommendations from AHS to social distance and protect themselves from any risks.
- For every patient, our administrative team will screen you in advance for COVID-19 symptoms including phone pre-screening and upon arrival, contactless temperature checks are mandatory. We reserve the right to refuse treatment if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms.
- We ask that everyone come and leave in a protective face mask.
- You will be asked to disinfect your hands prior to coming into the clinic area and upon leaving.
- In the reception/waiting area, we continually disinfect all surfaces and provide hand sanitizer to both staff and patients. Magazines, coffee and water bottles have been removed from the common areas.
- Some of the most important things we can do to reduce risk are to manage traffic flow. If you arrive for your appointment early, call the front desk to see if we are ready for you. If someone comes with you to your appointment, please have them wait in the vehicle. Of course, we understand that there are exceptions such as caregivers and parents of young children.
- In addition, we will not be seeing walk-ins at this time and asked for patients to book appointments over the phone with our administrative team.
- Dentists and staff will be wearing visors, gowns, and fitted n95 masks more frequently than before. As an office with a large implant surgery component, we are quite comfortable with this equipment and the new rules around it.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep all of our patient’s safe. Thank you for being so patient and understanding during this time.